Friday, October 17, 2008

Answering Machine - The Replacements - Let It Be - 1984

Oh the answering's rather quickly become a dinosaur hasn't it? With people increasingly relying on cell phones, and those that still have land lines switching to telecarrier operated voicemail the beat up old tape recorder has basically become a thing of the past. It's kinda sad in a way. Granted voicemail is 10 billion times more useful, but don't you miss being able to screen calls live? Like hearing someone on the other end saying "Joshua, I know you're there, just pick up the goddamn phone" and being able to say "No, I'm not going to do it. You can't make me, you can go fuck yourself, Mom"

And thus passes another era.

None of that changes the unquestionable power of this song though. Granted singing "I hate your Vooooooiiiiiiiccccceeeee Maiiiiiiiillllll" wouldn't have quite the same ring, but it still doesn't change the feeling of needing to talk to someone and instead talking to a recording. How do you say "Good night", "I'm Ok", "I Love You", "I Miss You", or "I'm Lonely" to an answering machine? Voicemail may have given us a better technology, but it hasn't given us a better answer to those questions Paul...bless you're high functioning-alcoholic, constantly broken heart.

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