Thursday, January 15, 2009

Are You Swimming In Her Pools? - Swan Lake - Beast Moans - 2006

My girlfriend started a new job last week. I am exceptionally happy for her to have found a publishing job in this shitty economy, but there are a few substantial downsides. First and foremost she has a really terrible commute. We've all been there (here in NYC at least). You end up needing a job, and taking something way out in Long Island that take you an hour and half to get too...but her's is especially grueling, as she's tied to the LIRR schedule. She basically has to either show up 45 minutes early for work, or 15 minutes late...and as the job has the usual level of draconian requirements placed on entry level employees, she is pretty much forced to do the former rather than the latter. This means she out the door at 6AM and not home till 730PM and dead tired when she shows up.

And of course the job has pretty much put the kibosh on any extra-curricular IMing or I don't get to talk to her during the day, other than some furtive texting she does covertly in the ladies room and on her lunch break. So, I've gone rather suddenly from being in mild girlfriend overload, to pretty hard girlfriend withdrawl, which sucks for both of us.

But as my friend Shani pointed'll just make her appreciate the kick ass job she'll get in a few years even more.

Despite being mildly underwhelmed by Swan Lake, it is interesting to hear a Spencer Krug song stripped of it's grandiose Wolf Parade trappings. Mostly reduced to an acoustic guitar and vocal (with some keyboard noodling and harmonies from the band's other two high-ish profile members) it sports a surprisingly sweet melody that is only slightly undercut by the out of the blue profanity (not that I'm prudish, it just seems really left field) and an intentional (or intentionally included) mistake in the middle of the song.

Definitely one of the better songs on the album.

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