Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ares - Bloc Party - Intimacy - 2008

So, after spending a relatively lazy and mostly sober weekend at home I ended up getting violently ill on Monday night. I'll spare you most of the gory details (though I assure you, they are quite gory)...but probably the most grueling part was after midnight on Monday (Tuesday if you want to be pedantic). The only position I could take that would not leave me horribly naseous was to lay on my back...however, I have never been able to sleep on my back. So, this left me laying in a kind of dazed limbo all night long...never quite asleep, looking at the clock every fifteen minutes and doing the math on how much sleep I'd be able to get if I got to sleep right then. Or then. Or then.

I'm not even really sure what I thought about during this time or how my mind passed the time (other than the occassional prayers to God that he'd let me die). I spent all of yesterday in a fog, listless and confused (more than usual). I didn't want to mess up my sleep schedule too much, so I forced myself to stay up till ten and then promptly passed the fuck out. I could honestly have used another day of sleep, but dear sweet lord did that suck.

If you had told me in 2006 that I would greet the release of Bloc Party's 3rd album with an earth shattering yawn, I wouldn't have believed you...well, that's not neccesarily true, I've seen plenty of examples of the Sophomore Slump taking all the wind out of a band's sails...but if this band had anything going for it in 2006, it was wind in their sails. Either way, this song isn't returns some of the rock that was desperately missing from A Weekend In The City...but can't quite escape the sameness that has plagued all of their albums.

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