Wednesday, June 4, 2008

All The Wine - The National - Alligator - 2005

Okay, so Facebook exists for only one that I can sit at work and look at pictures of hot chicks but claim that I am not viewing porn if asked. That is why it is extremely annoying when I see an attractive woman in one of my friends' pictures and click on her name only to find out that she has set her profile to private.

Ladies if you are uncomfortable with the notion of your pictures being used by a thirty something guy as mildly sexual entertainment, then please get off the internet. If life has taught you nothing else, it should have taught you by now that the internet is a vehicle to bring pornography to the masses. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Like most of the songs on Alligator, this one seems like a warm up for a better version that would appear on Boxer.

1 comment:

Bafoonery in Brooklyn said...

I never mind knowing that I am a mere ends to someone's auto-digital sexual experience. Even when I'm having a fat/bad hair day, it's comforting to know that some 60 year old male living in a trailer in Tacoma is buffing his lovepole to pictures of me flashing the shocker during my days of college glory.