Monday, June 16, 2008

Almost Crimes (Radio Kills Remix) - Broken Social Scene - You Forget It In People - 2002

They say that music, along with scents, is one of the biggest triggers for memory...which is certainly one of the reasons I love music. But I can distinctly remember the first time I heard this song. Nothing extraodrinary happened, and it's not like the hearing of this song was a life changing experience. I mean, I like this song's not like it "changed my life" or anything.

I was sitting in what was then my new apartment in Greenpoint in 2003. It was before I would come to realize what a total clusterfuck that place would be, so I was still excited about my new pad. My friend who is also named Josh came over and put this album on the stereo. The first couple of songs are mellow atmospheric pieces but this song comes along with it's 30 second tune up...and then that drum beat kicks in.

I find this album very hit and miss, but when it hits just right.

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