Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And The Same - Fugazi - Margin Walker - 1989

I was wasted at my BBQ on Sunday and Fugazi came up on my iPod and my friend who is also named Josh and I had a lengthy convo about the Fugazi fans we had known back in the day. Both of us came to the same conclusion that people who really loved the band were always great guys, but also little antagonistic. You're standing there having a conversation with Fugazi fan A and all of the sudden he's driving his finger into your chest, telling you how corporate America is ruining everything and soon we'll be nothing but an oligarchy and slaves to mediocrity...but you don't quite understand why he's treating this like a fight, when you totally agree with him.

And, rather obviously, I think the straight edge thing is pretty lame...but what are you going to do? The world needs cage rattlers too.

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