Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alphabet - The Notwist - The Devil, You, and Me - 2008

You ever been to a show, wherein the opening band was bad that they almost entirely eclipse your memory of the band you were actually there to a fairly seasoned concert goer I've had this happen to me several times...enough so that I actually have a list of the WORST opening band #3 on that list is a band that called themselves Themselves...they opened for The Notwist at Bowery Ballroom back on the Neon Golden tour and they were unbelievably bad.

Imagine a German version of Fishbone...and I really think that is all the description that you need.

Okay one more thing, their lead singer had blue dreads for christ sake!

Anyway, the only redeeming factor was that The Notwist was actually a much better live experience than I would have credited them for. Energetic and engagely experimental, and just German enough to be charming, but not enough to be off putting. Anyway, their new album is pretty good...if perhaps lacking the high points of Neon Golden.

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