Friday, July 18, 2008

An Amatuer Thief - Chisel - Set You Free - 1997

Speaking of thieves. So I saw Dark Knight last night...and I must say my emotions are a bit mixed. I hate the way death ensures that you will be over praised (part of my intense ambivalance about Cobain)...but Ledger does give a really great reading to The Joker. His line deliveries are really wonderfully off beat, and he gives him a certain grounding in reality, choosing to make him sort of laid back rather than spastic. But I feel like a lot of the credit given to Ledger is being done by people that never realized that this is simply how the character is supposed to be.

He's not a merry prankster, he's a raving psychotic...and the Nolan bros script gets this write. It's not like Heath wrote the freaking script.

Honestly, I'm not even the biggest comic book person, but I'm friends with enough of them to know what previous films have gotten wrong. I'm happy they got him right, and it was a fun performance...but Oscar? If I OD with one of the Olsen twins can I get an Oscar too?

Anyway, this is basically a Chisel snippet...sort of prefiguring Ted's later mod-punk leanings. It's nice enough. I had a different story i was going to tell about Chisel, but I'll save that for a real song rather than a quick throw away about suburban brats stealing shit to "Fight the bourgeoisie" Whatever. I'm sure it was rough growing up in suburban Jersey, Ted.

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