Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Amazing Dolphin Boy - The Minus 5 - Let The War On Music Begin - 2001

I will admit that I often have problems enjoying songs that I find stupid....perhaps it's the best melody in the world...maybe it's wonderfully produced. But this song is called "The Amazing Dolphin Boy"...I'm sorry, that shit don't fly.

And speaking of stupidity...I went down to the Post Office the other day to mail some bills and realized that all of the stamp machines were shut down. I inquired with one of the tellers about why this was and she told me that the Post Office has decided to discontinue these.

Ok...I know the thinking here...Email and Online Bill Pay has decimated the PO. People (and businesses) know they can get better shipping through private carriers. And even Netflix, which has almost single handedly propped the business up for years have started to switch to streaming. The Post Office is fucked. So rather than risk laying off government employees, they've decided to discontinue the automation of their jobs. If this is not backwards thinking, I don't know what the hell is.

So rather than assist their customers, they've made me even less likely to use their services, by making it less convenient for me...gotta love the Bush Administration...bigger government at all cost!

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