Friday, July 11, 2008

Always Crashing The Same Car - David Bowie - Low - 1977

For my most recent birthday I made a mix with one song from each year I had been alive. I started the mix with this song (the mix was not chronological).

Between the ages of 16-24 I managed to have 4 moderately serious car accidents. I drive too fast and usually with the radio on too loud, and when you are young and think you are indestructible, this is a bad idea.

The first one was literally my first day out driving by myself, I changed lanes without checking my blindspot and a pick up truck barrelled into the passenger side.

The second I was driving home in the rain, and a bunny jumped out in front of me. Rather than simply saying "tough luck Buggs" I swerved to miss him and fish tailed right into a mail box.

The third is the only one I will debate my guilt in. I made a left turn at a yellow light just as a suburban mom gunned it to make the light. She admitted to having taken cough syrup, but she was a mom with a baby in the car and I was 19 and scruffy. This is also the only wreck in which the air bag deployed...dispite the impact occurring at maybe 20 mph. If this has never occured to you, let me tell you...the explosion that causes the air bag to burst through your steering wheel is basically a shot gun shell. If you are gripping the wheel, be preppared to have powder burn on your fingers.

The forth was actually the scariest. I was driving my father's mid life crisis mobile. It was another rainy night and I was driving the notoriously hilly and windy streets of Cincinnati on balding tires. I took a curve WAY TO FAST and the luxury sedan fishtailed. The entire car swung around and smashed into a telephone poll. When it was over, I put my hand behind my head and felt a telephone poll in the back seat, as if it were the driver's side passenger. As it stood I got away with a broken rib, some cuts from the broken glass, and a yelling at by my father...but another foot further down the hill and I don't know that I'd be blogging right now.

I haven't had a wreck since. Granted, I now rely almost exclusively on public transportation, and have been doing for the past 8 years, but also anytime I have been behind the wheel, I have been very aware of the potential dangers of a car.

Anyway, that was the humor of me starting the mix out with this song.

Oh shit...I've already written about this:

Oh well...

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