Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Aneurysm - Nirvana - Incesticide - 1992

Because I am a big enough music nerd to do things like this, I have often looked up the lyrics to certain songs that were hard to understand...only to find that what I thought were the lyrics were in fact, not the lyrics. Sure, that's not an uncommon experience...but what's especially disappointing is when I like my misunderstood lyrics better than the actual lyrics. With Cobain's distinctive delivery style, Nirvana has always been a treasure trove for misunderstood lyrics. But none have disappointed me quite like this one.

For most of my life (well since 1992) I have thought that the lyrics at the end of this song were "She keeps a puppet string to my heart" which is a great metaphor! And it's particularly apt, if you apply it to the facts of Cobain's life. Sadly, the lyrics are actually "She keeps it pumping straight to my heart" which sounds rather like the lyrics from the song in a Mountain Dew commercial.

Why must all my heroes disappoint me? Why God, why?!?

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