Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Day - Times New Viking - Rip It Off - 2008

The other night I was looking for dinner in my hood. I wasn't really feeling like cooking, but all of my usual neighborhood options were not appealing to me. I was sort of wandering around aimlessly when I remembered that my ex-girlfriend (who still lives in the hood) had pointed out to me that there was a deli on her block that makes really good sandwiches. I decided to investigate.

The deli was small, and clearly existed only for it's sandwich counter, as there weren't many groceries on display. And behind the counter was a small Dominican kid with wire rimmed glasses. After a few seconds of watching me consider my sandwich options, he asked if I'd like a recommendation. I said "sure" and the kid went into his schpiel.

"First, you gotta go with the honey roasted turkey" He held up the turkey breast as evidence. " like swiss cheese."


"Then...I've got just the thing for you...we've got this Guryere...aged 9 months. This is the Swiss Cheese of swiss cheeses. You gotta try this....a little tomato, a little onion, maybe some deli mustard."

I told the kid to make it happen. He even gave me samples as he was slicing. In this city it's so easy to get used to people being churlish or curt with you. You become custom to everyone having a "what the fuck do you want?" attitude. Sometimes it's nice to be surprised by legitimate enthusiasm, and honest conneisuership.

And honestly, it was a great fucking sandwich.

Sadly, this song isn't as's mostly just loud. But thankfully it's less than 2 minutes long.

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