Friday, April 11, 2008

Air Aid - Menomena - Friend or Foe - 2007

A few nights ago, a friend of mine that I hadn't talked to in seven years got in touch with me via MySpace and let me know that he'd be in town in a couple weeks. Ordinarily, if one of my old friends from the Midwest suddenly dropped in on me, I would conveniently have "The busiest week of the year" scheduled at work...but I was honestly glad to hear from this guy. He's basically one of the most decent human beings I've ever met, and totally look forward to his visit. He called on the phone and we had a good, if slightly awkward chat...anyway, it was a nice touch to the week.

I've been really into Menomena. They are kind of like a less annoying version of The Liars, or The Secret Machines with the Bombast dialed way down.

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