Monday, April 21, 2008

Alice Childress - Ben Folds Five - Ben Folds Five -1995

Back in the summer of 1998 I had a couple of friends move down to Bowling Green, Kentucky. I went down to visit them a few times that summer, as even they realized pretty quickly that Bowling Green is one of the more hellish places in this country. I was in the Ben Folds phase then, so this album as a whole and this song in particular always make me think of that summer. Sitting on the porch in the ungodly southern summer heat, sweating out the beer you were drinking, and waiting for the grill to get going. There was really nothing else to do.

It had it's charm, of course, but I like my life to have more gears than 1.

1 comment:

Stacey Greenwell said...

funny, I always think of that summer too whenever I hear BFF...