Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alcoholiday - Teenage Fanclub - Bandwagonesque - 1991

I once took an Alcholiday...well several actually, but the big one was last year. I got my 3 best friends, my brother, and one of my buddy's brothers and headed over to Dublin and Amsterdam to have a little adventure. Part of the point of the trip was to show my brother the world, but basically it was just a chance to go on an international bender. I had been to Dublin twice before, once on a solo "go see the land of your ancestors" trip, and once with a girlfriend who spent the entire trip zonked on sinus medicine and in bed. This was my chance to tear Dublin up right proper. Needless to say, we put a hurtin' on that town...but by day 5 we were definitely a bit sick of each other's company. Therefore, Alcoholiday's should be limited to 4 days...heed my words children.

As I've pointed out before, I spent my late teens/early twenties obsessed with Big Star-ish power pop bands...this obviously included Teenage Fanclub.

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