Monday, April 21, 2008

Alec Eiffel - Pixies - Trompe Le Monde - 1991

Ok, so I was in Indiana less than 12 hours when they had a 5.8 on the richeter scale FREAKING INDIANA...not exactly the earthquake center of the world. Sure, tornados, we get those by the sackful but there are not supposed to be earthquakes there. Clearly this is a sign that God is displeased that I visited the midwest.

One of the more solid tracks off of Trompe Le Monde. My friend Rance is a big defender of this album, I find it mostly lackluster with a couple of winning tracks (No one can deny U-Mass is a great song).

Two songs from 91 in a row...sometimes this project has funny results.

1 comment:

TheNewDeterrence said...

Rance is right and you are wrong. This is a great album, though there are two or three songs everyone loves which I do not. SubbaCulture for one ... never did it for me.