Monday, May 5, 2008

All Fired Up - Interpol - Our Love To Admire - 2007

A couple of my guy friends and I had a bit of a marathon pub crawl on Friday night. Both the guys I was with were married so they were looking for a night of "Guy Time" and I am always down for an it was the one day of the year I like G.W. Bush...Economic Stimulus Package Day!!! So in my effort to stimulate the economy, there were whiskeys (and single malt scotches), there were dirty vodka martini's at the crazy Egyptian/Norwegian/Sushi place on Lafayette, there were many pitchers of beer at the new German beer hall in Williamsburg, there were quarters wasted on Rolling Thunder at Barcade, and late night hi life's at Enid's. And shockingly, I awoke hangover free. So don't say I'm not patriotic, dammit, I stimulated the economy like a Thai hooker with a wiffle ball bat and a set of jumper cables.

Anyway Interpol...It's amazing that a band can so succesfully avoid the sophomore slump, only to crash and burn in their junior effort. It's not a bad album really...and this is actually one of the better songs. They just seem to have not only failed to evolve, but to have actually regressed. Their lyrics have gone from evocatively opaque (on TOTBL) to dippy (Antics) to apparently written by a horny 15 year old with 80's rock star fantasies (do rock bands even HAVE groupies anymore?) and the music is still the same old, same old. With three years between albums, you'd think these guys could put a little effort into the creative part of their enterprise.

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