Tuesday, May 20, 2008

...All The Go Betweens - Silversun Pickups - Pikul - 2005

I got a haircut yesterday (fascinating, I know, but bear with me). As it's summer and my hair tends to grow fast, I went short. My roommate got in a bit later in the evening and as I went out to say hello he greated me with "What's up, Corporal Hicks?"

This brings me to my larger point: why, exactly, did things not work out for Michael Biehn? Seriously, this guy was held a major role in several important entries in the "Dude" movie canon. Not just Aliens, but the original Terminator, and of course as the only badass to give Val Kilmer a run for his money in Tombstone. The guy might not have been a superstar, but he had his charm and a sense of intelligence. He was stunt cast in things like The Rock and more recently Planet Terror...but why exactly did he end up more Mark Hammil than Harrison Ford? A question for the ages.

Silversun Pickups doing their Gish era-Smashing Pumpkins act...which is fine by me.

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