Wednesday, May 28, 2008

All The Same To Me - Golden Smog - Weird Tales - 1998

My roommate and I watched Die Hard II (Die Harder) last night...and I have to say that, even counting Live Free or Die Hard, this is easily the worst Die Hard movie. There are those that will say Die Hard with a Vengence, but personally, even if it's ludicrous, I still enjoy watching Willis and Sam Jackson driving around NYC yelling at each other. Frankly, I'd watch a movie of just that, even without the ass kicking.

But here are my reasons for voting Die Harder as the worst:
1) There is absolutely no character development in this film (okay, I one watches Die Hard for the character development but still...) it's just a series of badly choreographed gun fights, McClane killing people in convuluted ways and snappy one-liners that are niether snappy nor one funny.
2) Reny Harlin. I have a long standing theory that the Dutch just shouldn't be allowed to direct films. Verhooven gets a pass for a few of his films, but then has also made a few that he should be flogged for. But Reny Fucking Harlin...Cutthroat Island, all I'm saying.
3) No one should ever be forced to see William Sadler naked...ever.
4) Sipowitz is in this film and all he does is yell.
5) The General (played by Italian Franco Nero) can't seem to decide if he is Russian or South American. This may be the director's fault though.
6) There are many ways that you can tell that this film is made in 1990...McClane's pager, the giant cell phones, smoking in the airport, the awe with which people regard the fax machine, but none is so aggregious as the casting of angular mid-thirties women in the minor roles. Granted, we've tipped the scale far too far in the other direction, if we made this movie today the Airport Girl, Stewardess, and the Junior Reporter would all be played by the female cast of Gossip Girl...but come on...even the airport customer service girl that hits on McClane is unattractive. Throw us a bone, you Dutch fuck.
7) Did I mention William Sadler was naked?
8) Fred Thompson has a major part in this film...about airline terrorism...and he negotiated with the terrorist...and that douchebag ran for president and then did absolutely nothing.

Anyway, this probably the least interesting/energetic song on an album I really love. One of Tweedy's cast offs from Wilco gets recycled with about as much enthusaism as that statement merits.

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